Learning math has been a process ridden by linear 'steps', an emphasis on 'correct' answers and worst of all, anxiety for millions of people around the world.
The world seems to be divided into two kinds of people - the 10% who understand math, and the rest that don't. The number of children around the world who have developed an aversion to math is astonishing. Children as young as six are developing a negative emotional reaction towards math. This doesn't make sense. Math is essentially a toolkit to describe the patterns and relationships that we see in the physical world - these are not scary!
So we thought about what we could do to inject fun and play into the math learning process - we decided that in order for math to really come alive, we also had to create avenues and resources which children could engage with in the physical world. We had to create a safe space where children would not only feel welcomed, but where they could also look forward to fun, excitement and play. In other words, to make learning math an experience they would really look forward to.
That is how Dragnpi math clubs came into existence...
Fun Math?! How does THAT work?
Physical and visual aids to bring math concepts to life
Interdisciplinary and fun-to-do practice worksheets
Customized course structure to challenge each learner
Custom designed games and resources to encourage application based learning
Tutors who think laterally and small classrooms allowing individual attention

Games & Resources

The folks at Dragnpi spend a lot of time developing resources and games which can be used by parents, teachers and children!
Games encompass card games, board games, and flash card based games, all of which help children build their math knowledge in a manner which doesn't feel dull at all - the excitement is palpable when children play these games! Our resources include resources for parents and other teaching aids which can be used by teachers, parents and students to make the learning process more visual, physical and engaging. We are constantly developing new games and resources, and these are available for purchase by individuals and schools for use at home and at school.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to buy our games and / or resources.
Dr Anand Lakshmanan

Ryan Chadha

SUMMER CAMP: 1 APRIL - 18 APRIL (4 days a week)
Ph: 99000 69835 | Location: JIGYASA THE SCHOOL, DOMLUR